Title: "NEVER TO LATE" Three mintue film about Dyslexica. It is never too late to learn no matter how old you are. If you think studies are out of the window because you did terrible at
school for whatever reason, or forced to leave school because you had no choice - because of someone else and in this case not your faught then it is never too late to go back to college and carry on
either with a different subject or continue where you left off. Follow your dream that you always had or it changed for whatever reason or dicided cirmstances prevented you. You can always start
again and rejoin your studies. You will find a way and I know because I have just done that. No matter how old you are you will find a way. Your dream may of changed with the subject matter and
followed another road because of situations but that still doesn't matter as your dream can come true with a diffferent dream and still succeed.