Uptopia Art
Uptopia Art

My Statement

I am a multi mixed-media artist. Painting, drawing, sculpture, recycled & collage materials, encaustic art, ceramics, textiles, photography, assembleges, print making, short dyslexic film, acting in a Citizenship filming then turned into slides show for varies school. knitting, inprovise what I pick up turn into art.


My artwork relates to telling stories in some shape or form. I enjoy experimenting and researching.  The organic life, living and dead and the imaginary world play a big part in my art world. I use a digital camera to record my artwork.  I have been influenced by several artists past and present, such as Renaissance to Baroque, through to contemporary movements. My life around me over the years has also inspired me. 


My researched journey over five years and now more - 'Heaven & Hell: A separationof Twins' - concluded with my latest graduation project for my degree.  An Installation which I translated this sense of some researched journey and actual adventure into pictorial narratives, showing a humorous side.  


I reveal some aspects of the more secular side of a religious persons everyday life and contact with nature alongside the spiritual dimension, depicted also in my paintings and ceramics relating to the Installation. These elements represented pages in a book. The Installation A Cube 8 ft .  I mostly worked at home and past at University at Northbrook College. A lot of my work has been produced this way.  I tend to put all my energy and emotions into my artwork which tires me out and I have to rest. I also work at night when it is the quietest time as I also suffer with insomia. My health has not been at its best since a teenager either.


I also after all these years found out I was dyslexic while studying art. This helped me to realize I was not stupid but the opposite. Changed my perception of life and now understand why dyslexic people, (well in my case) are on some sort of code lanuage which differs to the normal english language and why ours or my brain see life as always a film, visually - pictures, stories, rather remembering words, but contain films of life, if that makes sense.


Previously, exhibited Brick lane, Free Range Art & Design show, Old Truman Brewery London. Islington Contemporary Art & Design Fair, WSAS Exhibited in Oxmarket Gallery,  Nothbrook College Durringon, & Union Place. Downland Art Society in Arundal, Drawing Pallant House - became Artist of the Month.  Worthing Museum, Wales, and community centres.  On the beach. At at my residents.


I have had several exhibitions over last few years and the latest, National at Pallant House Gallery in Chichester, Leatherhead 'Lighthouse' gallery in Working, Surrey and Leatherhead Theatre, as part of 'Daisy Unearthed Exhibition', RIBA in Deal. Outside In. WSAS in Ox Market Gallery, Wesite, still to folow Aesthetica magazine in October/November issue 2013


            (It will be updated 2015)


Copyright © Elzbieta D Harbord 2013

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© Elzbieta D Harbord